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Brinjal Pheromone Lure / Leucinodes Orbonalis Pheromone Lure : for Brinjal Fruit and Shoot Borer

Host Crop: Brinjal

Pest  Identification : 
Brinjal Fruit And Shoot Borer (BFSB) is a very dangerous pest of brinjal .It not only reduce the yield bay making holes in shoot as well as in fruits bust also reduces the aesthetic value of the fruits so loss get doubled .It is a monophagous  pest  feeds only a brinjal. The normal control measure like spraying of pesticide does not solve the problem instead making the endowment polluted, ecological disturbance and vegetables poisoning . 
The Adults Is grayish brown moth with wing .The Fore And Wings are provide with marginal hairs an bears pinkish -brown spot the above size 20 mm across the spared  wings.
Technology (Insect Sex Pheromone Technology): It is the process of attraction, and trapping the insect those damages to crops.

Per Acre Use: Funnel trap with Lucin-O-lure at 15/ ha for controlling.


  • Economically Affordable, easy to install and manage.
  • If used properly can detect low numbers of insects.
  • Collect only Species Specific
  • Non toxic.
  • Can be used all season long.
  • Pheromone Lures are species specific.
  • Reduce the use of harmful pesticide and do organic farming and save the life.


  • Pheromone used 99% pure.
    98.99% Effective from other commercial product.
  • Lure working day in field life 30- 45days, Depend on weather conditions.
  • Packing signal unit in anti smell realizing pouch.
  • Dispenser - Septa and vial
  • Lure can stay for one year without removing from packing.

Precaution: Please use hand gloves / clean hand for handling lure                                                                         
Suitable trap for Lucin-O-Lure: Water Trap

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