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  • Organic Plant Growth Promoters
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Brand : Farmroot Agritech Pvt Ltd.
Data : Organic Growth Promoter
Availability : In Stock

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Farmroot Vermi Wash Plus : Vermiwash plus is the bio-product of vermicompost applied as fertilizer by directly adding it into soil and as a liquid spray overall part of the plant body to prevent fungal, bacterial pathogen, and pests.

Content : It is a liquid extract produced from vermicompost where earthworms are richly populated and bio-available minerals, hormones, enzymes, different anti-microbial peptides are present.

Benefits : Symbiotic relations with beneficial microbes and produce an essential product that supports the growth of plants.

Target Crops : All crops.

Insects / Disease : Soil microbes.

Mode Of Action : Suppress plant's root disease.

Dosage : 30ml Liter of water.

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