· Humic acid min. : 4.00 (w/w %)
· Fulvic acid min. : 0.75 (w/w %)
CROPS: All Crops.
DOSAGE: 8 kg per acre.
Rich in both organic and mineral substances
essential to plant growth.
Better soil health- Improves soil health by
increasing soil aeration.
Better root development- Improves physiological
processes like nutrient and water uptake through root development.
Increases the number of productive tillers.
Increases water uptake-Improves water holding
capacity and reduces soil erosion by stimulating stronger root system.
Promotes the development of chlorophyll, sugars
and amino acids in plants and aids photosynthesis.
Stimulates plant growth and activities of
beneficial micro-organisms in the soil.
Increase vitamin and mineral content of plants.
Increases crop yield with better quality.
5 Review For This Product
Solution for good soil.
Good quality product
Solution for soil
Solution for soil
good result