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Kay Bee R Mite

Brand : Kay Bee Bio Organics PVT LTD.
Data : Bio Pesticides
Availability : In Stock

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R-MITE : R-MITE is a new acaricide prepared by Kay Bee Bio-Organics for control of mites in all range of crops. The formulation has been designed to penetrate plant crevices, branches and growing mediums where mite’s infestations seek to colonize. R-MITE contains various Phyto-constituents which has contact based broad spectrum action on mites. It has oviposition deterrence ability and affects eggs hatchability. Penetration ability of R-mite makes it more effective to control mites present on the underside of leaf where they feed. R-mite is contact, partially systemic & fumigant action its multistrategic mode of action kills red & yellow mites very effectively. It effects on all stages of Insects Life cycle like egg, nymph & adult. Mite’s shows cell desiccation action after spraying of R-Mite.

Do’s :

  • Use safety kit at the time of spraying.
  • Quantity needs to be followed strictly as per the recommended rate.
  • Time of spray must be carried out at afternoon 11-12 am for better results.
  • All equipment’s should be clean before the spraying. Sprayer and its parts like spray nozzle, spray tank should be tide and clean.
  • Proper coverage is most important for results.
  • After spray properly wash the hands using soap.

Don’ts :

  • Don't eat, drink, smoke or chew during whole operation of pesticides.
  • Bio-pesticides should not be exposed to sunlight.
  • Never prepare spray solution without wearing protective clothing.
  • Do not use overdose which may affect plant health.

Chemical Composition : ACTIVE INGREDIENTS % BY WT Brassica napus (M.C.) 8.0% Piper nigrum (M.C.) 8.0% Allium sativum (M.C.) 9.0% Other Ingredients % BY WT Adjuvant 10.0% Organic emulsifier 10.0% Carrier oil QS to make Total 100.00%

Dosage : 1 to 2 mili/ liter of water.

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