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Viro Raze is a broad spectrum botanical based organic viricide developed by combining various plant extracts. Being a broad spectrum viricide it is effective against wide range of plant pathogenic viruses like leaf curl virus of chilli, yellow vein mosaic virus of okra, leaf mosaic virus, ring spot and bunchy top virus etc. It is observed to be equally potent in controlling virus-vectors thus it prevents virus spread.

Viro Raze has Phytotonic effect on plants which enhances quality and yield of crops. Overall, Viro Raze is an innovative invention which not only controls viruses and their vectors but improves quality and production of wide variety of vegetables, fruits, flowers, pulses, oil seeds and grain crops. For best results, spray early in the morning or during late evening.


• Use safety kit at the time of spraying.

• Quantity need to be followed strictly as per the recommended rate.

• Time of spray must be carried out at early morning or evening.

• All equipment’s should be clean before the spraying. Sprayer and its parts like spray nozzle, spray tank should be tide and clean.

• Proper coverage is most important for results.

• After spray properly wash the hands using soap.


• Don't eat, drink, smoke or chew during whole operation of pesticides.

• Bio-pesticides should not be exposed to sunlight.

• Never prepare spray solution & application of pesticides without wearing protective clothing.

• Do not use overdose which may affect plant health and environment.

Chemical Composition:-

100.00%Active Ingredients Plant Alkaloids 15 % by Wt Triterpens 8 % by Wt Plant Phenolic Compounds 5 % by Wt Emulsifiers 10, Filler QS to make


1 - 2 ml per litre of water, depending upon crop stage and infestation
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