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Orcon+ - Spray Adjuvant (For Chilli Black Thrips ,Cotton Sucking Pests & Paddy Brown Plant Hopper)

₹821 ₹912
Brand : Cropex Limited.
Data : Super Special Spray Adjuvant
Availability : In Stock

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·  Non-ionic & botanical surfactants : 80.00% v/v min.

·  Diluents and aversive agents : 20.00% v/v max.

Crops : Cotton, Chilli, and Paddy etc.

Dosage : 5 to 6 ml per litre of spray solution. When sprayed with other insecticide 2ml per litre of water.


· When added to pesticide sprays, it improves spray coverage and enhances the spray performance substantially.

· The unpleasant taste left by the spray works as an aversive agent & works well when used along with sprays against Black Thrips on Chillies, Pests on Cotton, Brown Plant Hopper on Paddy etc. 

· When used with soil application reduces incidences of Root Grubs in Sugarcane & other no Tuber Crops. 

Note : The spray may leave a harmless, unpleasant taste on the outer surface of the crop for a few days. Stop spraying 2 weeks prior to harvest.

1 Review For This Product

Perfect solution for black thrips

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