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The shield is a 100% Biological and  Eco-friendly product, which is produced from Botanical Extracts, enzymes, and Microbial Extracts. The shield is useful in controlling – Thrips, Aphids, Jassids, White flies, and Red mites. It can be used in Organic as well as Residue Free Farming. It has “Zero” days of PHI.

Method of Application and Recommend Dose:–
It can be applied directly as a single product during infestation and also along with any chemical insecticide or other PGN / PGR.

Recommended 2 to 3 times during the growth and development stage of the crop.

Mode of Application – Foliar

Application Dose – 2 ML / Ltr. of Water

Storage: – It is stable for a period of 3 years from the date of manufacturing if it is kept under normal storage conditions.

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