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  • Micronutrients
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Rexolin CXK II - EDTA Microgranules Micro Nutrient Mixture

₹815 ₹900
Brand : PR Agro Nutri Private Limited.
Data : Packing - 500 Gram
Availability : In Stock

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Rexolin CXK II - EDTA Microgranules Micro Nutrient Mixture II :

Rexolin CXK EDTA is combination of Multi Micronutrients. It is 100% water soluble EDTA. Fertilizer for Nutrigation™ (Fertigation) and foliar nutrition. Stable at pH 3.5 - 6.5. Production of water soluble fertilizers. Rexolin CXK EDTA micro Nutrient Mix is suitable for all types of crops. It is imported from Netherland. 

For agriculture and Gardening use only. The product is beyond our control hence we are not responsible for any damages.

Elements :

  • Iron (Fe) : 2.5%
  • Manganese (Mn) : 1.0%
  • Zinc (Zn) : 3.0%
  • Copper (Cu) : 1.0%
  • Molybdnum (Mo) : 0.1%
  • Boron (B) : 0.5%

Dosage :

  • Green House Crops :
CropFoliar 2 Weeks IntervalFertigation 2/3 Application per Season
Cut Flowers0.2 - 1 Gram/Liter200 to 500 Gram/Ha/application
Vegetables0.2 - 1 Gram/Liter
200 to 500 Gram/Ha/application
Potted FLowers, potplants0.2 - o.8 Gram/Liter
200 to 500 Gram/Ha/application
  • Horticulture and Open Field Crops :

Soil Application : 

Horticulture Crops

5-15 Kg/HaApply through drip irrigation in 3 to 5 application in a year
Folliar Application : 1-2 Kg/Ha

Apply in water volume that gives Adequate coverage of the crop (200-1000 L).

Do not concetration of 0.1%.

Grapes2-3 Applications
Citrus2-3 Applications

Cotton1-2 Applications

Vegetables1-3 Applications

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