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Papaya Farming: A Lucrative Business Opportunity

It is a tropical fruit which is native to Mexico. It belongs to the “Caricaceae” family and the “Carica” genus. It is a fast-growing plant that has a long fruiting period and contains high nutritional value. India is known as the largest producer of papaya. It can be grown in pots, greenhouses, polyhouse, and containers. It also has health benefits such as it helps to relieve constipation, and cancer, helps in lowering cholesterol, and helps in fighting cancer cells. It is a rich source of vitamins A and C. In India, Maharashtra, Karnataka, West Bengal, Orissa, Jammu and Kashmir, Bihar, Gujarat, Himachal Pradesh, UK, Tamil Nadu, and Andhra Pradesh are major states doing papaya farming.

It is grown in a wide range of soils. Hilly soil having a good drainage system is suited best for papaya farming. Avoid cultivation in sandy or heavy soil. The pH of soil ranging from 6.5 to 7.0 is best for papaya farming.


Urja Madhuri Papaya Seeds
Madhuri Papaya Seeds are tropical fruits and are a highly valuable medicinal ingredient. Globally, India leads the world in papaya production followed by Brazil, Mexico, Nigeria, Indonesia, Peru, China, Thailand, and the Philippines. Being a highly productive crop and easy to grow papaya is cultivated widely as a kitchen garden in India.

Sarpan Solo-109 Papaya Seeds
Small size fruits, weigh 800gm - 1000 gm High round oval fruits, 125 -150 fruits per plant Seeded fruits, high TSS, sweet in taste, good shelf life Ready for harvest by 7-8 months after planting.

For papaya farming, well-prepared land is required. To bring the soil to fine tilth leveling is required. At the time of the last plowing, apply FYM (Farm Yard Manure).

Time of sowing:
Seeds are sown in the second week of July to third week of September and transplanting is done from first week of September to mid-October.

Use plant-to-plant spacing of 1.5 X 1.5m.

Sowing depth:
1cm deep seeds are sown.

Method of sowing:

The propagation method is used.

Do not add any fertilizer at the time of plant transplanting. Afterward, N:P: K(19:19:19)@1kg is added two times in February month.

Harvesting is mainly done when the fruit attains its full size and is light green in color with a tinge of yellow at the apical end. The first picking can be done after 14-15 months of planting. 4-5 harvestings can be done per season.

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