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Turmeric Diseases & Symptoms, Management

Turmeric Diseases & Symptoms, Management


Leaf bloch Symptoms

Leaf bloch disease usually appears on the lower side of leaves .The individual Spots are small brown. The Leaves Also Turn Yellow. Plant shows scorched appearance And Rhizome Yield Is reduced The spot are arranged In rows along The vein and coalesce Freely to fram irregular lesion. first  they appear as pale yellow discolouration and later become dirty yellow .Infected leaves are distorted and have reddish brown appearance .




Treat the seed material with Mancozeb @ 3g/liter of water or Carbendazim @ 1 g/litre of water for 30 minutes and shade dry before sowing.

Spray mancozeb @ 2.5 g/liter of water or Carbendazim @ 1g/liter; 2-3 sprays at fortnightly intervals.

The infected and dried leaves should be collected and burnt in order to reduce the inoculum source in the field.

Spraying Copper oxychloride at 3 g/l of water was found effective against leaf blotch.

Crop rotations should be followed whenever possible.


Rhizome Rot


Leaves may turn light yellow at the tips, gradually spreading to the rest of the leaf. The middle of the leaves may remain green while the edges turn yellow. the margin of the yellowing leaves turn necrotic and starts drying from the margin inwards resulting in partial or complete blighting of leaves.Water-soaked dark brown lesions appear on the pseudostems at the base, which enlarge rapidly, drying up. the affected pseudostem break away with a pull and the affected tillers topple off.the affected plants show varying degrees of rot.



Spray the crop with Mancozeb (2.5g/lit) or Carbendazim (1g/lit) +1ml sandovit.

Keep rhizomes in 3g Metalaxyl or 3g Mancozeb mixed in one litre of water for one hour and shade dry before planting.

Crop Rotation

Field sanitation

Selection healthy seed from Disease free garden .

In endemic areas ,rotation of crop using non host crop

Removal and burning of the infected clumps from the field . 

Leaf Spot

Oval brown spots with grey centers are found on the leaves. The spots are about 4-cm in length and 2-4 cm in width. In advanced stages of the disease black dots representing fungal acervuli occur in concentric rings on spot. The grey centers become thin and get tore. Severely affected leaves dry and wilt. They are surrounded by yellow halos. An indefinite number of spots may be found on a single leaf and as the disease advances; spots enlarge and cover a major portion of leaves blade.


Spraying Blitox or Blue copper at 3 g/l of water was found effective against leaf spot

Field sanitation

Crop rotations

Spray with Mancozeb 0.25% or copper oxychloride 0.25% immediately after the appearance of symptoms and at 15 days interval

Carbendazim (50 WP) 1 to 2 gram

Use healthy seeds for planting.

Turmeric crop has few flowers after 6 to 7 months from planting depending on the variety

These flowers should also be removed from the stems.

Flowering provides a complete food supply to the tuber. It helps in feeding the tuber.

Miner Disease

Dry Rot

Leaf Blight

Brown Rot

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guidance on selecting the most suitable products for your crops, please contact or WhatsApp at +917887880887


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